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Youth Ministries
Sunday School for children is held at the Vasa Lutheran Center, during Sunday morning worship at 9 am. Third Graders received their Bibles on Sunday, Sept. 15.
Sign up to be a Sunday School Teacher with Pastor Maureen! Any help from an interested adult or confirmed teen is welcome!
Wednesday evenings (September through May) our children gather for education at our Faith Life Night, beginning at 5:30 pm starting on Wednesday, Sept 18. All students Pre-K thru 6th grades are welcome.
Family Fun Night: Family Fun Nights are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month during the school year from 5:30 -
7 pm. A light meal is provided and children will be involved in some type of activity, craft, and "Pastor time". Anyone is welcome to attend, no matter what age. The first Family Fun Night this year will be on Wednesday, September 11.
9th Grade: Affirmation of Faith Sunday was November 17, 2024.
7th-8th Grades: Confirmation classes will be held on Wednesday evenings beginning on September 11 from 5:45-6:45 pm.
5th Grade: First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion Preparation Classes begin in March for any 5th grader who wants to learn more about the grace and forgiveness, we receive in the Lord's Supper. The classes will be completed in April. First Communion will be on Maundy Thursday for these children.
Please contact Pastor Maureen to let her know that you are interested in bringing your children to communion instruction. The pastor can be reached at 507-251-5270 or send her an email
Vacation Bible School: Vasa offers Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children K-6th grade. VBS is a fun-filled theme-based program where Bible truths will be taught.
VBS was offered from in August, 2024. All children are welcome to attend VBS from 5:30-7 pm each day. Click on the VBS heading in this paragraph for a link to the registration form. You can either bring it on the first day of VBS or mail it to the church office ahead of time.
Summer Camp:
Good Earth Village is having camp sessions over the summer of 2025 and if a session is available on their website, you can register for it. Check it out!
Camp website is

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